Is Your Commercial Heat Pump Right for Your Space?

When you own or lease a commercial building, keeping the space efficient and cost-effective is as important as who occupies the building! A commercial heat pump is a great way to ensure that your commercial building stays a comfortable temperature year-round. However, due to poor decisions made during the installation, changes or additions to the building, or other contributing factors, you might find that your commercial heat pump isn’t quite living up to expectations. Often, it is an issue of sizing, and there are some questions you can ask yourself to determine if your commercial heat pump might be the wrong size for your space.

Is Your Commercial Heat Pump Right for Your Space?

  • “What is the average temperature?” While this might seem like a silly question, it’s an important one! The heat pump helps distribute comfortable temperatures, and if it’s not working properly, you might have an issue. Heat pumps need to be able to circulate the temperatures effectively, so if the average temperature is always colder than what you’d like, your commercial heat pump might be too small.
  • “How often does the commercial heat pump turn off/on?” Sometimes people make the mistake of buying the biggest furnace or heat pump they can, thinking this way they’ll always be comfortable. However, when you oversize a commercial heat pump, it tends to turn off and on in quick, rapid cycles. This neither effectively controls the temperature or is very efficient, which can lead to expensive utility bills.

If you have questions about your commercial heat pump and would like an expert opinion, contact us at L&B Mechanical today.